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Stara 19.11.2020, 9:56   #113
Avatar korisnika Dimo
Član od: 28.10.2005.
Lokacija: Nikšić
Poruke: 5.601
Zahvalnice: 416
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Određen forumom Re: Vesti o igrama

Ne znam da li je ovo relevantno za gejming svijet kod nas, ali nek ide ovdje:

BDK Advokati advised the Embracer Group AB on the acquisition of all issued shares of Mad Head Games d.o.o. (MGH), an award-winning and growing development studio from Novi Sad, Serbia. Our team conducted due diligence on MHG and worked together with Gernandt & Danielsson AdvokatbyrĂĄ KB on transaction documents.

Embracer Group AB is a Swedish video game holding company listed on Nasdaq First North. Embracer Group has six operative groups as its direct subsidiaries: Amplifier Game Invest, Coffee Stain Holding, DECA Games, Koch Media, Saber Interactive, and THQ Nordic. It is well known for its games such as Saints Row, Goat Simulator, Dead Island, Darksiders and many others.
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